You don't have to worry, worry, mamotte agetai anata wo kurushimeru subete no koto kara
You don't have to worry, worry, I want to protect you From everything that torments you
hajimete kotoba wo kawashita hi no sono hitomi wo wasurenaide iikagen datta watashi no koto tsutsumu you ni kagayaite'ta
From the day we first exchanged words I couldn't forget those eyes They were just right, their light Seemed to envelop me
tooi natsu iki wo koroshi TONBO wo totta mou ichido anna kimochi de yume wo tsukamaete ne So, you don't have to worry, worry, mamotte agetai anata wo kurushimeru subete no koto kara 'Cause I love you, 'Cause I love you.
In summers long ago, you breathlessly caught dragonflies With that same feeling in your heart Go out and find your dreams So, you don't have to worry, worry, I want to protect you From everything that torments you 'Cause I love you, 'Cause I love you.
kono goro shizunde mieru keredo kotchi made BURUU ni naru aenai toki ni mo anata no koto mune ni daite aruite iru
I can see you've been feeling a bit down It's making me blue, too Even when I can't see you, I walk along Holding the thought of you in my heart
higure made dote ni suwari RENGE wo anda mou ichido anna kimochi de yume wo katachi ni shite So, you don't have to worry, worry, mamotte agetai hoka ni wa nani hitotsu dekinakutemo ii 'Cause I love you, 'Cause I love you.
Sitting on the riverbank until sunset, we braided lotus leaves together With that same feeling in your heart Give shape to your dreams So, you don't have to worry, worry, I want to protect you Even if I can't do anything else for you 'Cause I love you, 'Cause I love you.
So, you don't have to worry, worry, mamotte agetai anata wo kurushimeru subete no koto kara 'Cause I love you, mamotte agetai
So, you don't have to worry, worry, I want to protect you From everything that torments you 'Cause I love you, I want to protect you