Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
死得寃 - 陶傑
轉載自2010年8月25日信報 換了另一個國家,即使有這等綁劫,車上的人質,一個也不必送命。 鎗手只有一人,是退休警察,蒙受寃屈,只求平反復職。要求卑微得兒戲,不是要美國政府釋放幾多個恐怖份子,動機並無激進的政治意識型態,很容易解決。
同時從廣州空運那個上個月四分三秒拔鎗轟斃綁匪的那個女警,喬裝僑領,近距離溝通的時候,瓦解心理,閃電轟擊,這件事,可以這樣收場,全中華兒女舉世增光,國際效應比收復南沙群島主權更輝煌。 香港聲稱「背靠祖國」,「祖國」用來做什麼?就用在這刀口上。第三世界的什麼「特種部隊」,不能信任,因為紀錄不良。像出事的這個國家,二○○二年,一個綁匪把四歲小孩狂刺了十三刀,「特警」還向小孩轟了五鎗,香港人平時失憶,就吃虧在這種地方。 學歷史,在這樣的骨節眼上能救命。一九七二年,巴游在慕尼黑的世運村綁架以色列選手。當時西德的憲法,不許有軍隊,並無拯救人質的「特警」,只由一般警員拯救。 碰巧慕尼黑的警察總長,在幾個月前,因處理一宗銀行綁架案,手段過份霹靂,遭到輿論抨擊。遇上這宗大案,警察的首領怯了,放軟手腳。狙擊手連避彈衣也沒有,在奧運村人質被扣的宿舍外布防,人造衞星電視新聞直播,綁匪在客廳裏看得一清二楚。 以色列總理梅雅夫人眼看不對勁,下令由以色列派狙擊手來慕尼黑救人,生死責任自負。西德政府以「主權」為由拒絕。凡此種種,有往績可稽,特區政府的高官,不必十小時坐在辦公室裏只看直播。 馬尼拉的警方,犯的錯誤太多,到鎗手家中拘捕他老婆,電視也直播,鎗手在車上看見了,情緒繃緊,加上發現自己當了國際明星,心理狀況不一樣了。八條人命,就此寃枉泡湯。 真是要講一點點基因的。熱帶國家第三世界的政府,先不要說貪污,辦理這種危機管理,頭腦不冷靜,沒有文化背景,不行的,難怪菲律賓許多人寧願當美國第五十一州,由美國人來處理,人質不必死,就是另一場好戲了。殖民主義好,在這骨節眼上,少嚕囌大道理,人命關天,就明白了。
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Reader - Michael's Poem
Friday, August 13, 2010
*你是 被打斷的句子 無法成形的果實
可惜 我早知道結局 卻來不及去阻止
你的秘密說得如此的真實 但你我卻像不認識
不過一個心跳的距離 但你的心卻永遠抱不緊
#為了你 我哭過痛過都不算什麼 可是我 告訴我你有沒有在乎過
太多如果卻又種不出的結果 好像朋友又比朋友多了一點甚麼
△為了我 你笑過吻過但你不快樂 可是我(始終)走不進你心裡角落
太多如果卻又種不出的結果 你有你的我有我的各自的寂寞 可是我 為了你
Repeat *,#,△
可是我 為了你 為了你
你是 被打斷的句子 一生懸念的故事
可惜 我早知道結局 卻來不及阻止
19.08.2010 因爲不想排山倒海的上載Nino的東西,預先選定8月13日上載這個MV,唱歌的是朱孝天,沒想到這歌和我當時的心情不謀而合。
也許我不該再在長假期間往香港呆三數天,找朋友吃飯,去石澳繞了一圈,去圓方看了兩場電影 ,人非草木,我還是無可避免地覺得物是人非。那夜囘到酒店,終於找到一個打電話給您的理由,打了三次才打通了,卻找不到想說又該說的話,匆匆挂綫,為甚麽現在必須找到適當理由才能找您?為甚麽我們會變得陌生?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Someday in My Life - Simply Red
Here from the top of a mountain
I see you there
In the cool night air
Someday in my life
Fear has no reason to doubt them
They tell me so
Yet they will never know
You are here in my life
Wherever I go now
I'll follow you
And my heart will be true
I have never known someone
To stay right here
Soon you will be right here
Someday in my life
Piano solo
Here from the top of a mountain
I see you there
In the cool night air
Someday in my life
Storms may rage on about them
They hail and snow
Yet they will never know
You are here in my life
Wherever I go now
I'll follow you
And my heart will be true
I have never known someone
To stay right here
Soon you will be right here
Someday in my life
Thursday, August 05, 2010
If You're Going to Try
We Belong - Pat Benatar
We Belong, We Belong to the light
Many times I've tried to tell you
Many times I've cried alone
Always I'm surprised how well you
Cut my feelings to the bone
Don't want to leave you really
I've invested too much time
To give you up that easy
To the doubts that complicate your mind
We Belong to the light
We Belong to the thunder
We Belong to the sound of the words
We've both fallen under
Whatever we deny or embrace
For worse or for better
We Belong, We Belong
We Belong together
Maybe it's a sign of weakness
When I don't know what to say
Maybe I just wouldn't know
What to do with my strength anyway
Have we become a habit
Do we distort the facts
Now there's no looking forward
Now there's no turning back
When you say
Close your eyes and try to sleep now
Close your eyes and try to dream
Clear your mind and do your best
To try and wash the palette clean
We can't begin to know it
How much we really care
I hear your voice inside me
I see your face everywhere
Still you say
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Monday, August 02, 2010
糸 - 中島美雪 vs Mr Children
未了解歌詞以前,看到中島美雪唱的片段,以爲又是她擅長的悲歌,卻見她滿面笑容,大惑不解,Mr Children 的櫻井和壽唱得真摯,從網上找來中、英譯歌詞和資料,覺得很有意思,所以有日本人用在婚禮上,糸即是紗綫。 do we bump into each other?
We don’t know why
When will we bump into each other?
We don’t know when
Where were you? Oh, I’ve been hanging in there
Two stories, under the distant sky
You are that thread, and I am this thread
In an interwoven cloth
Maybe it will warm someone, some day
Asking why we are alive is a luxury
While picking up the pieces of an empty day
Chasing after dreams is a luxury
While picking up the pieces of a shattered day
What will become of this thread?
It looks uneasy in the trembling wind
You are that thread, and I am this thread
In an interwoven cloth
Maybe it will heal a wound, some day
You are that thread, and I am this thread
When matching threads come together
It is called happiness
なぜ めぐり逢うのかを
naze meguri au nokawo
私たちは なにも知らない
watashitachi ha nanimo shira nai
いつ めぐり逢うのかを
itsu meguri au nokawo
私たちは いつも知らない
watashitachi ha itsumo shira nai
どこにいたの 生きてきたの
dokoniitano iki tekitano
遠い空の下 ふたつの物語
tooi sora no shita futatsuno monogatari
縦の糸はあなた 横の糸は私
tate no ito haanata yoko no ito ha watashi
織りなす布は いつか誰かを
ori nasu nuno ha itsuka dareka wo
atatame urukamoshirenai
なぜ 生きてゆくのかを
naze iki teyukunokawo
迷った日の跡の ささくれ
mayotta hito no ato no sasakure
yume oi kake hashitte
ころんだ日の跡の ささくれ
koronda hito no ato no sasakure
こんな糸が なんになるの
konna ito ga nanninaruno
心許なくて ふるえてた風の中
kokoro moto nakute furueteta kaze no naka
縦の糸はあなた 横の糸は私
tate no ito haanata yoko no ito ha watashi
織りなす布は いつか誰かの
ori nasu nuno ha itsuka dareka no
kizu wokabaukamoshirenai
縦の糸はあなた 横の糸は私
tate no ito haanata yoko no ito ha watashi
逢うべき糸に 出逢えることを
au beki ito ni deae rukotowo
人は 仕合わせと呼びます
hito ha shiai waseto yobi masu