Thursday, December 30, 2010
Heaven's What I Feel When I'm with You
love sometimes
can be like destiny....
there's no way to say forever
may not realize your dreams
and love sometimes
is like the blowin' wind
it can take us to wherever
sending us on silent wings
but i have broken
all the rules of love...
i never dreamed that
i could come this far....
and now i'm lost in my emotions
you're becoming my devotion
there's nothing i can do
to stop this love for you...
i was not supposed to fall in love with you
i have someone else....
someone else is loving you
and i was not supposed to
let this love get through
(let love get through)
so let me say for real....
heaven's what i feel
when i'm with you...
(this feeling is forever)
it is forever...
(you make me feel like heaven)
i feel like heaven
(my love is true when i'm with you...
how could i have known that in your eyes
(in your eyes) i would find the deepest answer
to the questions of my heart
and how could i have known
that by your side
(by your side)
was the light to fill the darkness
and the shadows of my life
but i have broken all the rules of love
i never dreamed that i could come this far
and now i'm lost in my emotion
you're becoming my devotion
there's nothing i can do
to stop this love for you...
i was not supposed to fall in love with you
i have someone else....
someone else is loving you
and i was not supposed to
tet this love get through
(let love get through)
so let me say for real....
heaven's what i feel....
when i'm with you....
(this feeling is forever)
(you make me feel like heaven, my love is true, when i'm with you..
is what i feel when we're together
just look in my eyes and you'll see it's come true.....
i was not supposed to fall in love with you
i have someone else....
and someone else is loving you
and i was not supposed to let this love get through
(let love get through)
so let me say for real....
heaven's what i feel
when i'm with you......oouououooo
Dear E
這是Gloria Estefan 於1998年出版專輯的第一首歌,突然發現與其唱My All,不如學Heaven's What I Feel 的去Count the blessings 吧,人生本來苦短,其實不該再容納其他「不必要」的痛苦,例如我沒有別人,但的確有人愛著您。
還是那一句,世界的一切不會因爲一個人的悲傷而改變,正如昨晚看到Shimon Peres所言,可能我愛您並不是問題,是事實,不是解決它,是去面對它。
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
My All
I am thinking of you
In my sleepless solitude tonight
If it's wrong to love you
Then my heart just won't let me be right
'Cause I've drowned in you
And I won't pull through
Without you by my side
I'd give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
'Cause I can't go on
Living in the memory of your song
I'd give my all for your love tonight
Baby can you feel me
Imagining I'm looking in your eyes
I can see you clearly
Vividly emblazoned in my mind
And yet you're so far
Like a distant star
I'm wishing on tonight
I'd give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
'Cause I can't go on
Living in the memory of your song
I'd give my all for your love tonight
I'd give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
'Cause I can't go on
Living in the memory of your song
I'd give my all for your love tonight
Give my all for your love
Monday, December 27, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Love is a Losing Game
For you I was a flame
Love is a losing game
Five story fire as you came
Love is a losing game
Why do I wish I never played
Oh what a mess we made
And now the final frame
Love is a losing game
Played out by the band
Love is a losing hand
More than I could stand
Love is a losing hand
Self professed... profound
Till the chips were down
...know you're a gambling man
Love is a losing hand
Though I'm rather blind
Love is a fate resigned
Memories mar my mind
Love is a fate resigned
Over futile odds
And laughed at by the gods
And now the final frame
Love is a losing game
上載這歌的原因是Amy Whithouse 唱得好,懶洋洋的無奈,比她後來專輯裏面的版本好。
Love is a losing game,太陽底下無新事,lose 慣了嗎?一把年紀還有甚麽該不該?跌倒,爬起來,跌倒,爬起來,跌倒,爬起來。
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
風遠遠地吹著 我的臉我的手
我的髮我的心 我的眼睛
你遠遠地呆在 那個城那個路
那個房那個燈 那扇窗口
我靜靜地放著 你給我的CD音樂 當作背景
怎麼唱 都不再煽情
我記得你習慣 閉著眼抱著我
好像我是你的臉 笑嘻嘻
我不知該如何 對你笑對你哭
張著嘴不理你 像個機器
你的世界我的日子 好像沒有誰對誰 發過脾氣
過得太快 來不及
*唉呦唉呦唉呦唉呦 唉呦
你說 你說 我們 要不要在一起
柔情的日子裡 生活得不費力氣
傻傻看你 只要和你 在一起 *
Repeat *
唉呦唉呦唉呦唉呦 唉呦
我說 我說 我要 我們在一起
柔情的日子裡 愛你不費力氣
傻傻看你 只要和你 在一起
不像現在 只能遙遠地 唱著你
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
這一刻 突然覺得好熟悉
像昨天 今天同時在放映
我這句語氣 原來好像你
差一點 騙了自己騙了你
卻變不了 預留的伏線
以為在你身邊 那也算永遠
可是昨天 己非常遙遠
但閉上我雙眼 我還看得見*
#可惜不是你 陪我到最後
曾一起走 卻走失那路口
感謝那是你 牽過我的手
那一段 我們曾心貼著心
可能你 已走進別人風景
多希望 也有 星光的投影
感謝那是你 牽過我的手
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
有潛質 = 仲未得

刹那間覺得自尊心和虛榮心兵敗如山倒,來年沒有再在圈子裏走來走去的理由,憤怒、灰心...... 然後再發現,C所謂的理想人選,跟B和C根本就是「同路人」,他的政治理由真夠道理,這邊廂,表面不同門私下同路,那邊廂,有人已經前赴後繼替B計劃拉票活動。
證明了有能力但沒有錢和資歷。在服務社團是向上爬不了的, 如果我只希望服務人群,何須名銜和向上爬?朋友認爲我做地域代表是遲早的事,提醒我服務不應該是為了名銜而做,況且太早做了,以後做甚麽呢?