2009年3月25日早上11:15你發出的那個電郵,揭開了改寫我們人生的序幕,還是我在3月18日發出的才是? 由顛覆標準到站在黃綫以後,我能選擇的是甚麽?
March 25
You have a knack for explaining the virtues of new plans or ideas in a way that can make them appealing even to those who insist they’re not interested. However, winning them over to your way of thinking will require a serious dos of charm combined with solid information.
March 26
When things go wrong, you can be extremely tough. However, you also make a clear distinction between what’s important and what isn’t. Sadly, other people haven’t and are making a large issue out of the very small errors made by one particular individual.
March 27
Only days ago you were arguing against certain agreements that would result in substantial changes to elements of your work or lifestyle. Now you’re enthusiastically planning for the future. Keep this in mind, especially over the next several weeks.
March 28
A clash is brewing with somebody you respect but who also rather intimidates you. Obviously, you’d prefer to resolve differences before it all comes to a boil, so you’re trying to gather the facts you need and thinking things through, which will make the situation easier to manage.
March 30
Nobody would blame you for being suspicious about ideas that would require far-reaching changes to elements of your working or domestic life. However, you also realize these aren’t just wise but also help you ease into the changes taking place around you.
March 31
Making a plan and sticking to it is important. Still, the powerful planetary activity involving Mercury, Pluto and your ruler Saturn indicates you’re facing a combination of intriguing developments and changes in the actual circumstances you’re dealing with.
April 1
Because you dislike it when others take a heavy-handed approach to discussions. You state your points clearly but do everything to avoid being brash. This is the problem: one particular individual anything less than blunt statements.
April 2
Others say they’re excited about the plans you’re mulling over but you’ll soon need more than just their enthusiasm. Actually, their anxiety is greater than they’re admitting. Take it slowly, allowing the facts triggered by the new moon to expose those issues that need to be discussed.
April 3
Every Capricorn struggles with self-doubt in some form and sometimes they’re vicious. The irony is that not only are others rarely aware of these, they’re often intimidated by your knack for organizing things. This is the case now. Reassuring them in relatively simple.
April 4
There is a difference between knowing that you’ll have to make life-changing decisions and actually making them. Some people seem to think that because they’ll have to be made eventually, the sooner they’re dealt with, the better. You’re right in deciding to wait.
April 6
You’ve been struggling to create a balance between you domestic life and various more worldly obligations but you haven’t achieved much. The events triggered by the full moon later this week will result in big changes and bring all those efforts together.
April 7
Little makes you more uncomfortable than emotional dramas. Yet you’re aware that, of ages, one particular individual’s circumstances have been deteriorating. And you fear if you even mention these issues it will all come out in a waterfall of feelings.
April 8
You realize that it’s unwise to try to preserve one particular longstanding arrangement in your domestic set-up just because it’s become part of your life. As delightful as this situation once was, things have changed, and this element is seriously holding you back.
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