Does it matter?-losing your legs?
For people will always be kind,
And you need not show that you mind
When others come in after hunting
To gobble their muffins and eggs.
Does it matter?-losing you sight?
There’s such splendid work for the blind;
And people will always be kind,
As you sit on the terrace remembering
And turning your face to the light.
Do they matter-those dreams in the pit?
You can drink and forget and be gald,
And people won't say that you’re mad;
For they know that you've fought for your country,
And no one will worry a bit.
在Yahoo輸入Does it matter,找到戰場詩人Siegfried Sassoon 擅長的冷嘲熱諷,反戰卻又回到戰場上,想到情場如戰場,想到我自己。 參戰的人應該明白不成功便成仁,輸不起的,都不值得可憐。
For people will always be kind,
And you need not show that you mind
When others come in after hunting
To gobble their muffins and eggs.
Does it matter?-losing you sight?
There’s such splendid work for the blind;
And people will always be kind,
As you sit on the terrace remembering
And turning your face to the light.
Do they matter-those dreams in the pit?
You can drink and forget and be gald,
And people won't say that you’re mad;
For they know that you've fought for your country,
And no one will worry a bit.
在Yahoo輸入Does it matter,找到戰場詩人Siegfried Sassoon 擅長的冷嘲熱諷,反戰卻又回到戰場上,想到情場如戰場,想到我自己。 參戰的人應該明白不成功便成仁,輸不起的,都不值得可憐。
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